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Living Tree Orchid Essences

Hive of Heaven - Bulbophyllum saltatorium

The blooms of this very small orchid Bulbophyllum saltatorium from central Africa resemble bees getting into a hive. This is a decidedly yang essence, the action of which begins in the head, as light enters and expands into different areas of the brain, expanding and clearing as they move. It then goes down the neck (bypassing the throat chakra) extending into the chest cavity and the heart chakra, clearing both somewhat like the action of a bottle brush. The heart chakra opens with a sense of renewal. This can also bring a sense of heart-felt longing, as the essence then moves further down, to the 1st and 2nd chakras. The libido is stirred awake, connecting inextricably with the heart's longing.

hive of heaven orchid

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  Hive of Heaven

Hive of Heaven


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hive of heaven

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